Sept 27th, 2019

Gibsons Nail Management

#9-900 Gibsons Way

Gibsons BC


Dear Valuable Customers

This is with no pleasure that we must inform you that due to the increase of new leases, supplies, Utilities, and the increase of wages, we must, unfortunately, raise the price of some services but not all the services. As you know, we have not increased the fees for the past 5 years.

We did everything we could to avoid raising our prices, but it is no longer to deny the facts -our profitability directly depends on a pricing policy that better reflects the new realities.

You will find our new price list, which goes into effect on Oct 1st, 2019. We increase some services but not all the services at minimal increase. Our prices are still lower than many Nail Spa in SunShine Coast. Please see our new price list on our website

We wish to thank you for your business and hope that you will understand the necessity for this price increase. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Arthur Le

Gibsons Nail Spa Management

Bus: 604-840-9696

Cell: 604-600-9928